Tuesday, March 31, 2009

OSD Farewall | Part 1

Last month, there was a big reorg in my department. My original department, OSD was split into two departments. My big boss, Brian also was around that time from US and he decided to throw us a farewell party to the old OSD team. Here are the snaps :-

Farewell speech by my big boss, but only few were listening, you can see it from the picture, coz others were waiting for food to be served ,,hehe

The food!!


Few of my colleagues recently went for blood test,they found out that they have a high level of cholesterol, so they decided not to eat

As usual, I continued my duty.....

My big big big Boss!!...part 2 tomorrow,,till then,,have a nice day!!


Steve said...

This time photo quality looks more better lah bro..

Mohan^ said...

Steve :- Coz it's from different camera hahaha not from mine