Saturday, May 09, 2009

Futsal @ BJC

Let me quickly give ratings for these new movies I watched recently ,,,then you can scroll down to read about today's topic haha

Wolverine :- 7/10,,decent movie with good story line but lack of 'kick' hahah

I know I shouldn't compare this movie with Star Wars but end of every movie only one question I asked to myself,,Did this movie satisfy me?.for this movie the answer is no,,my rating 6/10

2 weeks go, 2 managers from Costa Rica were here. So, we invited them to play futsal at Bukit Jambul Complex. Here are the snaps and a video

It was my first time played at BJC futsal court

The court is actually on top of shopping complex , open court :)

Mohgan & PS Lai

Exhausted Vicky haha

The unsung heroes


dPace said...

do you have the BJ Complex Futsal telephone number? Thanks

Mohan^ said...

Hi Patrick, the number to call is 046406306. Enjoy your game :)

Anonymous said...

Should v contact them before playin... Or can v go straight for playin....

Unknown said...

how much is the fees per hour at night???

Unknown said...

I called a few times but nobody answer the phone

Unknown said...

Heloo bro I like have friendly with your guys next Saturday ... If u like arrange the friendly... Please contact us 01124090788 izaki